Join us for our Spring 2024 Lecture Series, “Nevada Springs Are…” The event is free, open to the public, and light refreshments will be provided.

Flier with text on top of a vector graphic showing sunset at a lake in front of mountains. Text reads "The Churchill County Museum Presents the 2024 Spring Lecture Series Nevada Springs are… …HOT! Tuesday March 26th at 6:30pm Dr. Brian Hedlund, School of Life Sciences Professor, Distinguished Professor UNLV “The real thermophiles of Great Boiling Spring” A look into the amazing lives of heat-loving microorganisms in Nevada Hot Springs …Cold, Sandy, and Rocky! Tuesday April 2nd at 6:30pm Gwendolyn Clancy, Documentary Filmmaker, and guests speakers of the NV Chapter of the National Pony Express Association “Pony Express: Living the Ride” How the historic Pony Express is kept alive and the stops along the way! …For the birds! Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30PM Bethany Chagnon, Deputy Refuge Manager/Biologist Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Learn about the Wildlife in your own backyard! …All about the weather! Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30PM Dr. Thomas Albright, Associate professor & Nevada State Climatologist (Interim), Department of Geography, UNR. Nevada’s Capricious, sometimes cantankerous, spring weather… and how it affects our springs (the other kind!) These lectures are FREE! The Churchill County Museum is located at 1050 S. Maine Street, Fallon, NV
Categories: Events

1 Comment

Donald C Anderson · May 13, 2024 at 4:45 pm

We are going to be in Fallon on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 to make Navy League awards at Fallon NAS Medical Clinic at noon.. Are you open in the afternoon as we like to visit your museum again?
Thank You,
Donald C Anderson in Auburn, CA.

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